Designing Small Gardens
with Cheryl Salatino, principal and founder, Dancing Shadows Garden Design
Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 1-3 p.m. ET
$30 AHS members/$40 non-members
This program is approved for 2 CEUs with the Association of Professional Landscape Designers.
Smaller gardens and intimate spaces often challenge a designer to realize big ideas in limited quarters. Many of us feel squeezed and long for more room to flex our gardening muscles. Whether your dream is a colorful border or even a natural meadow, tapping into the principles of form, function and perspective are essential. We will explore the use of space, views, light, texture, and more to assist in the selection of plants and materials that realize a desired feeling, look, and artistic expression.
Cheryl Salatino is a New England based landscape designer, educator, and native plant enthusiast. She started Dancing Shadows Garden Design twenty years ago to offer clients a more thoughtful and purposeful design aesthetic. What continues to inspire this designer is how the beauty and value of nature endlessly challenge, surprise, and teach us. Salatino received her certificate in landscape design from the Radcliffe Seminars Landscape Design Program of Harvard University. She has earned the status of Massachusetts Certified Horticulturist by the MA Nursery & Landscape Association and completed the UMASS Green School program in Landscape Management. She has also earned an Advanced Certificate in Horticulture and Design as part of the Native Plant Trust educational certificate program.