Donate to River Farm, headquarters of the American Horticultural Society, a garden oasis for all to connect with nature and find beauty and inspiration. Your support ensures it remains open, vibrant, and welcoming for generations to come.



Donate Today

Your support creates a lasting impact on River Farm and our community. Your contribution today will make a difference by helping AHS:

Maintain and grow beautiful gardens that also serve as a habitat sanctuary at River Farm. From the ongoing removal of invasives to the newly installed bluebird house trail, AHS maintains the property with our native friends in mind. Our care for the plants and trees not only enhances the beauty of River Farm but also provides homes for a variety of wildlife, including two spectacular eagles gracing our skies.

Ignite interest and excitement about gardening with children in our re-imagined Children’s Nature Library & Reading Room. This unique and precious collection of over 1,700 children’s books focusing on nature and gardening will inspire hundreds of young minds in our community and beyond.

Enhance accessibility throughout the property. AHS has recently completed the installation of two new pathways to improve accessibility throughout the property. We remain committed to ensuring that everyone, regardless of mobility, can fully enjoy the beauty and serenity of River Farm.

For additional ways to give and for questions, contact

*On the donation form, don’t forget to select “Stewardship of River Farm” under “Designation.”