Container Gardening

With Cheryl Salatino, principal and founder, Dancing Shadows Garden Design

Thursday, May 1, 2025 from 1-2:30 p.m. ET
$23 AHS members/$30 non-members

Outdoor containers add so many possibilities and exciting solutions to enhance and extend our garden display. While many of us choose hanging baskets to brighten up gathering spaces, these are just the tip of the iceberg when choosing where and how to use containers. This program will cover opportunities to showcase color, texture and personal aesthetics in both sun and shade conditions, the many types of containers available, styling lush plant combinations, proper “soil” mixes, moisture and nutrient requirements, impact plants, and end of season care. Get ready for some container inspiration!

Cheryl Salatino is a New England based landscape designer, educator, and native plant enthusiast.  She started Dancing Shadows Garden Design twenty years ago to offer clients a more thoughtful and purposeful design aesthetic.  What continues to inspire this designer is how the beauty and value of nature endlessly challenge, surprise, and teach us. Salatino received her certificate in landscape design from the Radcliffe Seminars Landscape Design Program of Harvard University.  She has earned the status of Massachusetts Certified Horticulturist by the MA Nursery & Landscape Association and completed the UMASS Green School program in Landscape Management.  She has also earned an Advanced Certificate in Horticulture and Design as part of the Native Plant Trust educational certificate program.