Liberty Hyde Bailey Award
The American Horticultural Society’s highest award, the Liberty Hyde Bailey Award is given to an individual who has made significant lifetime contributions to at least three of the following horticultural fields: teaching, research, communications, plant exploration, administration, art, business, and leadership.
Brian Kemble has dedicated nearly half a century making an incredible mark on the field of horticulture. He is the curator at The Ruth Bancroft Garden and Nursery, a botanical garden specializing in plants from arid climates. Over the years, he studied the founder’s design principles, expanded her collection, created new hybrids, and played an important role in transitioning the garden to a nonprofit. Beyond his work at the garden, Kemble has led highly impactful and hands-on research on succulents, as well as efforts to make the plants more accessible. Kemble excels not only as a horticulturist and leader, but also as a researcher, plant explorer, communicator, teacher, and mentor.