News & Press

Congratulations to the AHS Book Awards Winners

For decades, the American Horticultural Society has honored exceptional books in the garden field with our longstanding AHS Book Awards. Each year, AHS gathers a committee of renowned garden communicators to recognize outstanding books and their publishers. Books are judged on qualities such as writing style, authority, accuracy, and physical quality. This year, four books were awarded out of over 35 nominated books published in 2023. Uncover them below.  

Dry-Climate Gardening by Noelle Johnson (Cool Springs Press) 


The Seven-Step Homestead by Leah M. Webb (Storey Publishing) 


Tiny + Wild by Graham Laird Gardener (Cool Springs Press) 


The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook by Susan Mulvihill (Cool Springs Press) 


Read more about each winner and discover our honorable mentions here.  

News & Press

Growing Good Kids Book Awards Announced!

The Junior Master Gardener Program and the American Horticultural Society honor engaging, inspiring works of plant, garden and ecology-themed children’s literature through the “Growing Good Kids – Excellence in Children’s Literature Awards” Program. 

From growing strawberries to poetry for a greener world and mysterious neighborhood garden adventures, the 2023 awardees inspired our imaginations! Check out this year’s winners below, who were announced at the 2023 National Children & Youth Gardening Symposium in Knoxville, TN:


Rooftop Garden by Danna Smith 
Illustrated by Pati Aguilera
(Barefoot Books)


Sun in My Tummy by Laura Alary
Illustrated by Andrea Blinick
(Pajama Press)


I Love Strawberries! By Shannon Anderson
Illustrated by Jaclyn Sinquett
(Feeding Minds Press)



Maybe You Might By Imogen Foxell
Illustrated by Anna Cunha


The Garden Next Door by Collin Pine
Illustrated by Tiffany Everett
(River Horse Books)






News & Press

2024 Great American Gardeners Awards Nomination Open!

Nominations are now being accepted for the AHS’s 2024 Great American Gardeners Awards. This is your chance to help recognize individuals and organizations from throughout North America for exceptional contributions to American horticulture and gardening. Six categories of awards (outlined below) will be recognized in 2024. Nominations will be accepted through September 29, 2023. Nominate today!

The Awards being offered in 2024 are: 

Liberty Hyde Bailey Award 

Given to an individual who has made significant lifetime contributions to at least three of the following horticultural fields: teaching, research, communications, plant exploration, administration, art, business, and leadership. 

Emerging Horticultural Professional Award 

Given in the early stages of an individual’s career, this award recognizes significant achievements and/or leadership that have advanced the field of horticulture in America. 

Garden Stewardship Award 

Given to a public garden that embraces and exemplifies sustainable horticultural practices in design, maintenance, and/or programs. 

Horticultural Innovation Award  

Given to an individual or company whose innovations have made the field of horticulture more sustainable and accessible to all.

Marc Cathey Award

Recognizes outstanding scientific research that has enriched the field of horticulture. 

Jane L. Taylor Award 

Given to an individual, organization, or program that has inspired and nurtured future horticulturists through efforts in children’s and youth gardening. 

Nominate your “horticultural champion”—an exemplary sustainable garden, a thought leader delivering groundbreaking research, or the driving force behind horticultural innovation. Nomination form available here.  

News & Press

Look No Further than the Winners of AHS Book Awards

Celebrate great gardening literature by reading the winners of the 2023 AHS Book Awards! Each year, we honor garden-related books published in North America who excel in writing style, authority, accuracy, appearance, and overall quality. The award is presented jointly to both the author and publisher.  

Meet the 2023 winners!  

  • 100 Plants to Feed the Birds by Laura Erickson (Storey Publishing) 
  • American Wildflowers: A Literary Field Guide edited by Susan Barba (Abrams) 
  • A Gardener’s Guide to Botany by Scott Zona (Cool Spring Press) 

Learn more.  

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Conversations with Great American Gardeners

The American Horticultural Society is pleased to announce the return of its national speaker series featuring current and past winners of the Great American Gardeners Awards and Book Awards. Since 1953, the AHS has been using these award programs to recognize and celebrate horticultural champions that represent the best in American gardening. This dedicated webinar series will provide an additional spotlight on these outstanding individuals. 

In a lively and engaging conversational format, speakers will share their knowledge and experience with our event host, Holly Shimizu, gardener to gardener. Holly is a nationally recognized horticulturist with a rich background in public gardens and garden communication. At the end of the discussion, guests will have the opportunity to ask questions.  

Wednesday, May 10 at 7pm ET
Dr. Doug Tallamy, University of Delaware
Winner of the B.Y. Morrison Communication Award (2018) 

Wednesday, June 14 at 7pm ET
Ira Wallace, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
Winner of the Paul Ecke Jr. Commercial Award (2019) 

Wednesday, August 23 at 7pm ET
Dr. Lucinda McDade, California Botanic Garden and Claremont Graduate University
Winner of the Liberty Hyde Bailey Award (2021)  

The series is free. RSVP required.

News & Press

Read the March/April issue of The American Gardener!

The March/April edition of The American Gardener magazine is out! In this edition, members can read how North American irises can be found for almost any garden setting in “Indulge in Native Irises” by C. Colston Burrell; incorporating unique regional features to create a lovely, functional space in “Dry Climate Garden Design: Plant Placement” by Noelle Johnson; encouraging wildlife with native dogwoods in “Wildlife-Friendly Native Dogwoods” by Alan J. Branhagen; and an inspirational piece to urge us to open our minds and play like children in the natural classroom in “In Defense of The Courageous Gardener” by Marianne Willburn.  

In addition, we celebrate and honor the six recipients of the 2023 Great American Gardeners Awards and the three recipients of the AHS Book Awards! Please meet our winners! 

While the award-winning The American Gardener is an exclusive benefit for members, we’d like to share with everyone a captivating story about the life-threatening existence of North American bees, “Gardening for Native Bees” by Jessie Keith. You can read it here.  

AHS MEMBERS log in here to view the digital edition. You will also receive a print version in the mail.  

If you are not a member of AHS, join and become a member to read the entire issue online, and also receive 6 printed issues a year plus many other wonderful benefits. 

News & Press

Ring in the New Year with More Member Discounts to Garden Shows!

Two more great reasons to be a member of AHS!

  1. Discounts to garden shows
  2. Educational opportunities on horticulture’s relationship with environmental wellness

AHS members will receive discounts to the following three flower and garden shows (in addition to shows produced by MarketPlace Events). These shows will be presenting the AHS Environmental Awards which recognize exhibits of horticultural excellence that best demonstrate the bond between horticulture and the environment. Exhibits will be judged by the criteria of design, aesthetics, plant material, and environmental stewardship.

We are pleased to be a part of the environmental movement and to share these benefits with our AHS members.

News & Press

Nominations for 2023 Great American Gardeners Awards Open!

AHS is proud to announce nominations are now being accepted for the 2023 American Gardeners Awards. The deadline is October 24, 2022. More information here

News & Press

Meet Perla Sofia Curbelo

Awarding Communication Excellence in the Green Industry

Perla Sofia CurbeloOn this episode of the Green Industry Leaders Network podcast David Ellis, Director of Communications and editor of The American Gardener magazine guest hosts with Chris Sabbarese of Corona Tools. Since 1953, the American Horticultural Society has been recognizing excellence in communications for individuals who are effective and inspire others to participate in horticulture. The B.Y. Morrison Communication Award is one of the annual Great American Gardeners Awards. It is named for Benjamin Yoe Morrison (1891-1966), landscape architect, plant breeder, and artist. Morrison was editor of National Horticultural Magazine, a precursor to The American Gardener for nearly 40 years. David shares some insights on this prestigious award and introduces the 2021 BY Morrison award winner, Perla Sofía Curbelo-Santiago of Agrochic, based in Puerto Rico. She’s a professional communicator with vast experience in radio, television, and newspapers. She’s also certified in Horticulture Therapy (2019) from the Chicago Botanic Garden.

This episode highlights:

  • the how winners are recognized for this award and how Perla’s communication skills help educate, inspire and exemplify the honor
  • Perla’s work with the BIPOC Hort Group and the importance of representation
  • advice to new garden communicators about conveying your passion
  • the growing market of Spanish-speaking gardeners in the United States



Check out additional podcast episodes with past Great American Gardeners Awards honorees including Katie Stagliano, Dr. Kayri Havens, and Debra Prinzing and more Green Industry Leaders Network podcast episodes.

News & Press

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Great American Gardener Awards

Once a year, the American Horticultural Society (AHS) solicits nominations from the general public for the nation’s top individuals and organizations in gardening/horticulture, and presents awards to the “Horticultural Champions” in a variety of categories. We’re proud to honor these Great American Gardeners.

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Great American Gardener Awards! Deadline to nominate is September 25, 2020.

Sponsorship opportunities are available to support an honoree or the awards program in general.