News & Press

First-Ever AHS Giving Day Focuses on Protecting Pollinators

Bee on a spring flower collecting pollen and nectar

The Amercian Horticultural Society (AHS) will hold its first-ever Giving Day on Saturday, August 17 — National Honey Bee Day.

National Honey Bee Day celebrates the bees that are necessary to pollinate more than one-third of the food we eat but whose population is declining. A combination of habitat loss, disease, and pesticide exposure is taking its toll.

The AHS is working to protect honey bees and other pollinators for future generations, but we need your help, Giving Day is an opportunity for the AHS gardening community to come together to help protect pollinators. We have set a goal to raise $10,000 to support our work to promote Earth-friendly gardening, which includes increasing public awareness about the importance of pollinators and pollinator gardening; providing learning opportunities for K-12 educators about pollinators and pollinator gardening; and modeling Earth-friendly gardening practices at our River Farm headquarters.

To give us a head start in our fundraising, MOM’s Organic Market has generously provided a lead gift of $1,000. Will you help build on this lead by making a donation today?

Thanks for any support you can provide.