Regenerative Gardening Practices to Create and Maintain Native Garden (Denver, CO)

As a professional and certified Regenerative Gardener, certified Soil Advocate, and certified Master Composter, I believe healthy gardens and landscapes begin with rebuilding the soil using mostly native plant species. Supporting ecosystem biodiversity and protecting pollinators, without using chemical pesticides or fertilizers, is the foundation of my practice. The quality and vitality of our landscape is a direct reflection of healthy soil and intentional care. My journey in gardening began more than twenty years ago with my own garden. Over the years I’ve refined my gardening and design experience to evolve with a changing ecological awareness. As a lifelong Coloradan, I have a keen understanding of our unique environment. My priority is protecting our precious ecosystem from the ground up one garden at a time. Inviting resiliency into our urban and suburban landscapes is essential to balancing our expanding land development and resource losses. I’m passionate about helping clients discover the beauty and importance of regenerative gardening practices while working with holistic concepts to create their vision of a space they want to be in and grow in.

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Plant Identification 101 (Denver, CO)

Identifying plants can often be challenging, requiring an extensive background in botanical anatomy, taxonomy and vocabulary. Learn how to recognize some of the major plant families and discuss resources for identification (field guides, iNaturalist, SEINet and how to use a key). Class includes a tour of Dever Botanic Gardens’ natural history collections.

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Master Gardener’s Conference: Planting for Our Future (Los Alamos, NM)

The Los Alamos Master Gardeners’ Association is proud to announce the 2024 NM Master Gardeners’ Conference built around the theme of ‘Planting for Our Future’. The Conference will be held Saturday, September 14, 2024, in Fuller Lodge located in the Historical District of Los Alamos, NM. This all-day event will cover topics essential to the future of our gardening environment – from changes in climate to recovering pollinator populations to recruiting and maintaining our gardening population.

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Lifelong Learning: BTS Tour: Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, AZ (Member Exclusive)

AHS Reciprocal Garden tour will show highlights of the garden collections, greenhouses, and new construction projects. This program is only open to AHS members; for additional information and to register, please log into your AHS account.

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Santa Fe Iris Society Show (Santa Fe, NM)

Showing iris in our area is always a gamble, but our society covers such a large area that we can generally have a good show anyway (except for the 1996 show, which didn’t happen due to horrendous drought conditions). The best part about a show (aside from getting to spend a day with all out iris friends) is that if we can put on a very nice show with artisan design arrangements even if unexpected cold weather occur. The Santa Fe lris Society has been innovative, humorous and sentimental with the themes of our shows.

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Santa Fe Iris Society Rhizome Sale (Santa Fe, NM)

The SFIS rhizome sale will be held on Saturday August 3 at 9 am – 12 pm (or until sold out) at the DeVargas Center on N. Guadalupe and Paseo de Peralta
These rhizomes are excess rhizomes from our members’ gardens and are proven growers in our climate. The rhizomes have been donated by our members and freshly dug from their own gardens. All rhizomes are cleaned, labeled and dipped in a disinfectant solution.

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Red Butte Garden Spring Plant Sale (Red Butte, UT)

The Garden offers an impressive selection of herbs, specialty annuals, sun and shade perennials, ornamental grasses, roses, vines, shrubs, conifers, and trees.
We have the best selection of heirloom vegetables, native, and water-wise plants you’ll find in one location.
Find plants for any situation, including bee-friendly and high-altitude plants.
Most of the plants are grown by local nurseries and many of the vegetables are grown here in our own greenhouses.
Look for our large selection of beautifully potted succulents and hanging flower baskets created by Red Butte Garden staff and volunteers.
We also offer a variety of organic fertilizers, as well as coco fiber for increased soil water retention.
Garden staff and volunteers on hand to answer your plant and gardening questions.

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Guess Who Came to Dinner? (Fort Collins, CO)

Diagnosis of insect injuries to plants can be difficult. Oftentimes, the insects are no longer present when the injury is noted, and many insects (and mites), perhaps present, are too small to see. However, clues that help us identify the culprit might be left behind. This topic will be discussed in two parts, the first involving those insects that feed using chewing mouthparts and the second, the insects and mites that feed on the fluids from plants.

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