Santa Fe Landscaping from the Ground Up

New Mexico offers many challenges to gardeners, including poor soil, high winds, and erratic precipitation and temperature patterns, This class is designed as a half-day crash course on understanding the challenges of landscaping here and how to meet those challenges. From nourishing the soil to choosing the right plants, Tracy Neal will teach you how to create a garden that works in our area. He will share his over 40 years of experience in New Mexico as a nurseryman, landscaper and arborist, giving you the information you need to create a landscape that meets the challenges of the present and the future.
Santa Fe Botanical Garden,
715 Camino Lejo,
Santa Fe, NM 87505,
(505) 471-9103.

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2020 Sustainability Series : Climate Change and Trees in Santa Fe

Climate change will have increasingly strong impacts on our gardens as time goes on, impacts that pose challenges in keeping our plants healthy now as well as challenges to knowing which plants to chose for the future. These challenges are magnified for trees, which are typically the largest and longest-lived plants in our gardens. Join Tracy Neal for this sustainability series lecture on how the climate is changing and what this means for taking care of the trees we have and choosing new trees.
Santa Fe Botanical Garden,
715 Camino Lejo,
Santa Fe, NM 87505,
(505) 471-9103.

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Color and Chemistry : Natural dyes of New Mexico and beyond

This lecture features Cathy Greco for a demonstration of chemistry and color. Greco is a chemist and master spinner and uses her technical expertise to draw color out of plants and into fibers, spinning and weaving vibrant colors from plant-based dyes. Cathy will showcase some of the historically popular plant -based, and natural dyes from New Mexico and Mexico.
Santa Fe Botanical Garden,
715 Camino Lejo,
Santa Fe, NM 87505,
(505) 471-9103.

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2020 Sustainability Series : Supporting Resilient Trees

Trees are a beloved part of our landscapes and provide a multitude of benefits to people and the environment. They are also vulnerable to changes in climate and a variety of pests and pathogens. This lecture will highlight the importance of monitoring for signs and symptoms of disease in keeping trees healthy. Learn about emerging pests and diseases that are in Santa Fe today and others that we expect to see in the future including fire blight, thousand cankers disease, emerald ash borer, oak wilt, and piñon scale.
Santa Fe Botanical Garden,
715 Camino Lejo,
Santa Fe, NM 87505,
(505) 471-9103.

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Basic Pruning Workshop

Linda Churchill, SFBG Head Gardener, introduces how and why to prune plants in a no-fear environment. This workshop provides an opportunity for indoor practice making cuts and discussion about tools and resources.
Santa Fe Botanical Garden,
715 Camino Lejo,
Santa Fe, NM 87505,
(505) 471-9103.

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Garden Conversation: Succulents

Marvel at the exciting possibilities of enhancing our homes with this showy group of fleshy plants. Eric Davis of Planta Fe will show us how to cultivate, display and enhance our homes and events with these trendy and tough gems of the plant kingdom. An important part of this discussion includes the use of proper succulent containers for their practical and aesthetic value. Bring a favorite from your collection to share with the group.
Santa Fe Botanical Garden,
715 Camino Lejo,
Santa Fe, NM 87505,
(505) 471-9103.

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All About Fungi

Dig into the largest kingdom of living organisms on Earth. Lonnie Zamora of Ten Thousand Waves will help us understand the living soil beneath our feet. Learn methods used to create a healthy root zone through inoculation of mycorrhizae and the simple yet important act of composting. These practices help our plants to look their best and to remain strong and resilient in our harsh environment.
Santa Fe Botanical Garden,
715 Camino Lejo,
Santa Fe, NM 87505,
(505) 471-9103.

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Orchid Care

Share and learn about the care, feeding and hopefully blooming of orchids in our dry New Mexico environment with Michael Clark. Please feel free to bring a in a couple of your favorites to this discussion. Weak plants are welcome as their problems are good teaching aids. Beautiful “show-offs” are also welcome as we delve into one of the largest family of plants on the planet!
Santa Fe Botanical Garden,
715 Camino Lejo,
Santa Fe, NM 87505,
(505) 471-9103.

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