May/June 2022

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Features in this Issue
Colorful Creeping Phlox by Jim Locklear
Moss phlox and other low-growing native phlox create a carpet of color from late spring into early summer.
Garden Jargon 101 by Scott Aker
A veteran garden communicator recounts some of the most commonly misused or misunderstood gardening terms he has encountered during his long career.
Raising Your Standards by Rita Pelczar
This distinctive form of topiary is easy to achieve and adds a classic element to the landscape.
Unusual Edible Vines by Charlie Nardozzi
Reinvigorate your edible garden this year with one of these unusual climbing vegetables.
In Defense of Revitalizing Our Garden Clubs by Marianne Willburn
With a renewed interest in gardening sweeping the country, traditional garden clubs must reassess their models to meet the needs of younger generations in order to steer themselves towards a sustainable future.
Highlights from our Departments
News from the AHS
Suzanne Laporte is the AHS’s new president and CEO, the AHS sponsors NDAL’s summer education series, the AHS participates in Seed Your Future, the AHS’s President’s Council tours gardens in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, save the date for the AHS’s gala in September.
AHS News Special: National Children & Youth Garden Symposium
Here’s a preview of the AHS’s 30th National Children & Youth Garden Symposium taking place this July in Richmond, Virginia.
RAP Gardens in Focus
A look at gardens that participate in the AHS Reciprocal Admissions Program.
The Dawes Arboretum in Newark, Ohio, is a great place to experience the many ecosystems and natural beauty of the Midwest.
Insect Insights
Learn about some of the native bees that you might encounter in your backyard or neighborhood landscape.