Plant Selection

Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions where they naturally occur. In addition to supporting pollinators and other wildlife, native plants are inherently sustainable as they require less watering and fertilization than most non natives.
Learn more about the benefits of native plants, removing invasive species, sustainable turf alternatives, and more from past issues of our member magazine, The American Gardener.
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Coping with Invasive Plants
Weeds are inevitable when you garden, but invasive ones take things to a whole different level.
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Go Native with Groundcovers
Looking to cover some ground? Consider these remarkable natives.
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Native Ornamental Grasses
Hailing from the high plains and prairies to stream banks and woodland edges, native American grasses provide evocative charm to any landscape.
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Lawn or No Lawn?
Although lawns have their place in the landscape, more gardeners are choosing to forgo them in favor of more environmentally-friendly and less high-maintenance options.
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