Rose Discoveries and Innovations
with Tom Carruth, the E.L. & Ruth B. Shannon Curator of the Rose Collection, The Huntington
Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. ET
$10 AHS members/$15 non-members


Join Tom Carruth, Rose Collection Curator at The Huntington and AHS’s 2011 Luther Burbank Award winner, for a history of the famed California rose industry. Starting with innovative rose breeding of the 1950s, this talk will illuminate how rose species are improved through several generations of hybridizing. Carruth will share about his discovery of a lost seedling that, when brought into his rose breeding, led to some of the best rose introductions of his career. Together we will trace succeeding generations of offspring, noting their improvements along the way.

Tom Carruth is the Rose Collection Curator at The Huntington, where he showcases over 1,300 rose cultivars. Previous to his work at The Huntington, Carruth served as Director of Research, Licensing & Marketing at Weeks Roses, where introduced over 150 roses and invented over 100 plant patents. His award-winning roses include DICK CLARK, CINCO DE MAYO, STRIKE IT RICH, JULIA CHILD, and many more. Carruth is AHS’s 2011 Luther Burbank Award winner for extraordinary achievement in the field of plant breeding.