AHS News & Blog

There are lots of convenient ways to learn about the latest happenings at the American Horticultural Society and what gardeners across the nation are saying about us!

AHS’ flagship publication, The American Gardener, is stacked with AHS’ program activities and partner events around the country and is published six-times per year. Available both in printed and digital formats, the magazine is one of the many benefits of being an AHS member. Are you a member? Join here.

You also can connect with us on social media via the following handles:






Nominations are now open for the 2021 Great American Gardener Awards

Once a year, the American Horticultural Society (AHS) solicits nominations from the general public for the nation’s top individuals and […]

Keeping organized with DIY garden markers

You’ve started your seeds indoors in your tiny DIY pots and prepped your soil with a hearty offering of compost. […]

Statement from the American Horticultural Society

    The tragic death of George Floyd, and the heartbreaking stories of so many other Black Americans who have […]

Remembering J. Landon Reeve, IV

It’s with great sadness we share news of the death of John Landon Reeve, IV, a longtime American Horticultural Society (AHS) […]

River Farm Grounds Reopening To the Public on 6/8/20

The grounds of the American Horticultural Society’s River Farm headquarters in Alexandria will reopen to the public on Monday, June […]

AHS Award Winner Catharine McCord Describes the Power of Horticultural Therapy

COVID-19, and its accompanying stay-at-home orders, self-quarantine measures, and breakdown in food supply chains, has given rise to a new […]

Great American Gardeners & Book Awards Ceremony Going Virtual

Every year it’s our privilege to host a wonderful celebration at our River Farm headquarters recognizing the Great American Gardeners […]

Join Our Membership Month Challenge

May is Membership Month at the American Horticultural Society (AHS), and all month long we’re recognizing friends like you for […]

Five Tips for Buying Great Gardening Gloves

For many years, I preferred doing gardening tasks barehanded. Not only did I enjoy the feeling of getting my “hands in […]

AHS Update on Public Visitation Hours at River Farm Headquarters

As a safety measure based on recent COVID-19 developments, the American Horticultural Society’s River Farm will be closed to the […]