2021 Massachusetts Gardening Symposium – virtual

The 2021 Massachusetts Gardening Symposium is open to gardeners of all levels of experience, including home gardeners, Master Gardeners, and Green Industry professionals. Themed “Inspiration for Next Year’s Garden,” the event is set for September, when gardeners are typically putting their current gardens to bed and formulating plans for enhancements for the coming year. Pricing for the four-lecture program is $60.00 through July 1; $80.00 from July 2 to September 7. Registration closes September 7, 2021, and attendance is limited.

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Mindfulness through Ikebana: 4-part online course

In our busy world, the Japanese art of ikebana offers a moment of calm. Flower arrangement is an opportunity to practice mindfulness, connect with the natural world, and express your creativity. The Sogetsu school of ikebana emphasizes adaptability and self-expression, designed to be practiced by anyone, anywhere in the world. In this four-session course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Sogetsu-style ikebana, including how to select plant materials, basic techniques to create beautiful arrangements, and the philosophy behind the practice.

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Biodiversity Weekend with The Caterpillar Lab at Bedrock Gardens

Come see amazing caterpillars brought to you by The Caterpillar Lab. (www.thecaterpillarlab.org) Enjoy wonderful educational experiences for all with special tours and family programs. Bedrock Gardens is an emerging public garden integrating unusual botanical specimens and unique sculpture into an inspiring landscape journey.

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Book Signing Event Weekend at Bedrock Gardens

Join Bedrock Gardens and our Founding Director John Forti for a book release/signing. John is a historical horticulturist, ethnobotanist, slow food biodiversity advocate, educator, lecturer, garden designer, garden consultant and the Executive Director of Bedrock Gardens. We are celebrating the publication of his newly released book entitled “The Heirloom Gardener – Traditional Plants and Skills for the Modern World.”

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Virtual Connecticut Master Gardener Association Symposium

On Saturday, March 20th starting at 9:00 am, Connecticut Master Gardeners, guests and the public will have the opportunity to hear national and regional experts talk about “Gardening Any Time, Any Place” by virtually attending the Connecticut Master Gardener Association (CMGA) 28th annual garden symposium. Speakers include Margaret Roach, Dan Benarcik, Tovah Martin, Lorraine Ballato, Irene Brady Barber, Gregory Bugbee, Nancy DuBrule-Clemente.

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The Story of a Garden: Creating Coltsfoot with Juliet Hubbard at Hollister House Garden

Juliet and John Hubbard have created an enchanting cottage garden around a colonial house that has in the family for over 100 years. A series of perennial and vegetable gardens, formal in composition, are softened by the informal planting of old-fashioned roses, peonies, irises, and day lilies. Follow Juliet as she shares her story of designing, creating and gardening at Coltsfoot.

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Life in the Studio: Inspirations and Lessons on Creativity with Frances Palmer at Hollister House Garden

In this talk Frances will explore the links between her exquisite pottery and the bountiful flowers that she grows in two large cutting gardens. Using her own stunning photographs, Frances traces how the ceramics and flowers are inextricably linked in her creative process.

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Mind Your Matrix: Successful Plant Combinations at Hollister House Garden

Learn about matrix planting! It is the planting of three to five equally competitive plants that are vigorous enough to act as “living mulch” providing weed suppression and moisture retention around larger perennials and shrubs. Emphasis on, but not exclusively using, native plants.

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Thinking Outside the Box: Using Excellent Plants in Creative Ways at Hollister House Garden

Adam Wheeler will talk about the unique varieties and cultivars of trees, shrubs and conifers available and how to use these plants with a creative and different approach. He will also discuss the value and use of foliage color and texture and share tips on creating unexpected accents. A “pop-up” Broken Arrow plant sale follows this lecture.

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Designing Your Garden, A Masterclass with Page Dickey at Hollister House Garden

In this illustrated lecture Page will discuss what to consider if you are thinking of making a garden. Topics will include connecting the garden to the house, deciding on a style, the importance of paths and routes, terraces and hardscaping establishing bones and having fun!

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