The Perennial Plant Collector’s Treasure Chest 
with Kerry Mendez, principal and founder, Perennially Yours
Friday, January 17, 2025 from 2-3 p.m. ET
$15 AHS members/$20 non-members
This program is approved for 1 CEU with the Association of Professional Landscape Designers.  

This talk is for plant lovers seeking unusual, fun, outrageous, or underused perennials that will have heads turning and onlookers mumbling “What is that?” As an avid collector, Kerry Mendez has walked many miles in her muck boots to find some unique plants that transform ho-hum gardens into eye-popping, extraordinary ones.   

Kerry Ann Mendez is an award-winning garden educator, author, design consultant and proprietor of Perennially Yours based in southern Maine. As an exceptionally popular educator and communicator, she has presented hundreds of lectures to thousands of gardeners in 23 states. In 2014 she received the Gold Medal award from the Massachusetts Horticultural Society for “Exceptional teaching and writing that increases public enjoyment and appreciation of horticulture.” Kerry Ann has written four gardening books, the most recent being The Budget Wise Gardener and The Right-Size Flower Garden. In 2016 Kerry Ann started producing international gardening Webinars that have been enjoyed by thousands.