July/August 2022

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Features in this Issue
Oaks for Everyone by Tim Boland and Matt Lobdell
Oak trees are ecological workhorses, so consider boosting your garden’s wildlife diversity with some of these regional choices.
Sound in the Garden by Karen Bussolini
Welcoming and becoming attuned to sound in a garden adds another dimension of enjoyment.
Superstar Shrubs by Patricia A. Taylor
In smaller gardens, where space is at a premium, these compact evergreen shrubs with vibrant flowers and foliage add four-season interest.
Elements of Flower Garden Design by Jenny Rose Carey
Whether you want to add drama to an existing garden or create one for a specific purpose, knowing how to combine shape, texture, and color can help you achieve beautiful results.
In Defense of Gardening Books by Marianne Willburn
Information is now widely and easily available online, but most it can’t replace what can be found in good books.
Highlights from our Departments
News from the AHS
The AHS celebrates its centennial with the Fifty State Flower Project, the AHS Environmental Award is presented at the Philadelphia Flower Show, the AHS Travel Study Program resumes with trips to France and Italy, save the date for the AHS’s gala in September, AHS Partner America in Bloom to hold its annual symposium and awards ceremony this fall in Missouri.
RAP Gardens in Focus
A look at gardens that participate in the AHS Reciprocal Admissions Program.
Once a lavish family summer home, Blithewold Mansion, Gardens and Arboretum in Bristol, Rhode Island, now welcomes visitors to enjoy its beautiful landscape and view of Narragansett Bay.
Insect Insights
Flies are usually viewed as pests, but they serve an important role in the ecosystem.