March/April 2019

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Features in this Issue
Trendy, Tempting Tillandsias by Marianne Willburn
Known as air plants because of their ability to thrive without soil, these bromeliad family members add a sense of artistry and whimsy indoors and out.
Cherries for Smaller Spaces by Andrew Bunting
These modest-sized flowering cherries will fit into smaller gardens while still putting on a gorgeous spring show.
Color in the Garden by Jan Johnsen
Each color has a unique effect in your landscape, so consider which hues of flowers, foliage, and accessories will create the mood you’d like to set.
Beguiling Bellflowers by Rand B. Lee
If you like campanulas, you will enjoy growing some of their charming and lesser-known relatives in the bellflower family.
Highlights from our Departments
Meet our 2019 Great American Gardeners Award Winners!
RAP Gardens in Focus: American Rose Center in Louisiana
Explore sites that participate in the AHS Reciprocal Admissions Program, which provides AHS members with special admission privileges and discounts.
Garden Solutions
Make a clean start this spring.
Homegrown Harvest
Romaine lettuce.