May/June 2019

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Features in this Issue
Designing with Daylilies by Daniel Mount
Daylilies are among the most popular perennials, but using them effectively in a landscape requires careful placement.
Pro Tips for a Cutting Garden by Lisa Mason Ziegler
Adopt these tips and tricks gleaned by an urban cut-flower grower over 20 years of trial and error to guarantee a floriferous cutting garden all season long.
Ira Wallace of Southern Exposure Seed Exchange by Viveka Neveln
Get to know one of America’s foremost seed-savers working to preserve heirloom varieties of edible and other useful plants.
Ruggedly Elegant Prickly Pears by Jessie Keith
Despite their ferocious spines, these native North American cacti contribute striking forms and colors to gardens in many regions
Solutions for Soggy Sites by Kris Wetherbee
Rather than trying to “fix” seasonally wet garden sites, try these plant and design tips instead.
Highlights from our Departments
Preview the National Children & Youth Garden Symposium in Madison, Wisconsin.
RAP Gardens in Focus: Norfolk Botanical Garden in Virginia
Explore sites that participate in the AHS Reciprocal Admissions Program, which provides AHS members with special admission privileges and discounts.
Garden Solutions
Grappling with groundhogs.
Homegrown Harvest
Sunflowers for seed.