November/December 2023

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Features in this Issue
Winter’s Promise by Karen Bussolini
Buds protect new growth and herald the coming spring while contributing a subtle charm to the winter landscape.
Getting Tropical with Palms by Scott Zona
You don’t have to live in the tropics to grow palm trees. These iconic plants come in a wide range of heights and habits, and several species are surprisingly hardy.
California’s Monarch Man by Kathleen Brenzel
A mild-mannered general manager of a California nursery during the week, Ron Vanderhoff transforms into “Monarch Man” on weekends in a quest to save endangered western monarch butterflies and other pollinators.
Checking Out Gardening by Noah Lenstra
Across North America, public libraries are embracing a broader role in promoting gardening, creating green spaces, and serving the changing needs of local communities.
In Defense of Gardening Unplugged by Marianne Willburn
Unplugging, at least temporarily, from social media, may help us focus on pursuing the garden of our dreams.
Highlights from our Departments
News from the AHS
Highlights from the AHS’s 50th anniversary-at-River Farm gala, four new gardens join the AHS’s Reciprocal Admissions Program, magazine contributor Marianne WIllburn is in the running for Garden Writer of the Year from a UK media guild, and the 2024 National Children & Youth Garden Symposium is set for Chicago’s North Shore next July.
Garden Destinations
Gardens, unique garden centers, and other attractions in and around Tucson, Arizona.
Insect Insights
Learn about ways we can all become community insect conservationists.
Edible Gardening
The growing season may be over, but there are still tasks for getting the garden through winter and into a new year.