Make a Difference for Pollinators
Which Flowers Attract Butterflies
Here are tips to help in selecting plants that will invite these beautiful creatures to your landscape.
Support Pollinators with Native Shrubs
Provide a pollinator smorgasbord through the seasons with these adaptable, deciduous plants.
Glorious Goldenrods
Goldenrods set the table for a diverse array of pollinators and other wildlife.
Dioecious Native Shrubs for Wildlife
Learn how to get the best wildlife value from native shrubs that have male and female flowers on separate plants.
Growing Wildlife Habitat Hedgerows
Attract and sustain beneficial wildlife in your garden with a versatile hedgerow composed of plants that provide food and cover year round.
Milkweed Plants for a Butterfly Garden
Choose the varieties of milkweed plant native to your part of North America to offer just the right food for butterflies in your area.
Gardening for Native Bees
North America’s native bees are under threat. Support native bees with helpful garden design, plus native plants, in a pesticide-free yard.
Plight of the Monarch Butterfly
Learn more about the life of the monarch butterfly and efforts to preserve or enhance a habitat benefiting monarchs and other pollinators.
Create a Butterfly Garden
Grow flowers that attract butterflies and support their life cycle. Boost the pollination of your own garden when these pollinators visit.