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Virtual 2023 National JMG Leader Training: Engaging & Hands-On Online Training Conference

Join JMG (Junior Master Gardener) for their virtual 2023 National Leader Training held February 22 –23. This is a great opportunity for Teachers, Administrators, and Program Leaders to learn how to implement best practices, how to involve parents and students into programming, and how to build sustainability.

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NDAL Virtual Class: Kill Your Lawn

Presented by New Directions in America Landscape. Hosted by Dan Jaffe Wilder.

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NDAL Virtual Class: Wild Solutions on an Urban Pre-K-12 School Campus

Presented by New Directions in The American Landscape. Host Kay McConnell.

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NDAL Virtual Class: Novel Plant Communities – A Real World Approach to Managing Spontaneous Vegetation

Presented by New Directions in The American Landscape. Hosted by Jack Ahern & Larry Weaner.

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NDAL Virtual Class: Simple by Design – Landscapes for Deep Social Impact

Presented by New Directions in The American Landscape. Hosted by Keith Green and Julianne Schrader Ortega.

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NDAL Virtual Class: The Bower – Native Plant Landscape and Sculpture Park

Presented by New Directions in The American Landscape. Hosts Bill Allis, Jane Allis and Ethan Dropkin.

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Virtual Class Held by New Directions in The American Landscape: Native Edible and Medicinal Plants in the “Wild-Designed” Landscape

Native edible and medicinal plants can be integrated into landscape gardens and ecological restorations to create habitats that support both people and their local ecosystems. We’ll consider a habitat-based approach to stewarding edible and medicinal plants that translates to home landscapes, parks, and farms. Field botanist, native plant grower, and restoration practitioner Jared Rosenbaum asks whether we can honor native ecosystems and cultural lifeways as we restore habitats that support people, other animals, and native plants alike. Held by New Directions in The American Landscape.

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Virtual Class Held by New Directions in The American Landscape: Gardens as Pollinator Habitat – Limitations, Potential, and Context

Together, flowering plants and flower-visiting insects make up a third of the Earth’s species. In this talk, we will trace the relationship between flowers and insects from the primordial forests of the Cretaceous to your backyard garden. Along the way, we will discuss the limitations and potential of gardens as pollinator habitat, and we will explore how gardening might be reimagined as a cooperative, landscape-scale practice that could change the ecological meaning of cities and suburbs. Held by New Directions in The American Landscape.

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NDAL Virtual Class: At Home in a Wild Landscape

Presented by New Directions in The American Landscape. Hosted by Larry Weaner.

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Virtual Class by New Directions in The American Landscape: The Art of Gardening at Chanticleer

Join Chanticleer’s Executive Director and Head Gardener Bill Thomas for a visual tour and behind-the-scenes look at what the Washington Post calls “one of the most interesting and edgy public gardens in America.” Chanticleer is known for its residential-scale plant combinations featuring foliage textures and colors, its wide variety of containers, and its imaginative homemade furniture. The garden aims to be environmentally responsible, visually exciting, educational, and fun. Bill will offer insights on what inspires this special place. Held by New Directions in The American Landscape.

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